Sunday, April 10, 2005

Germany and Jobs

For the past few months, news from Germany hasnt been good with unemployment figures touching a record high 12% last month. In a country where labour unions hold a lot of clout, a concept such as wage auctioning on the web is bound to rub people the wrong side.

But to me, it shows how the situation is really going from bad to worse. Already, the government has reduced unemployment benefits which has kind of pissed off a lot of people. (Imagine earlier, you could actually refuse jobs that the government offered and continue to live on welfare money). Obviously things had to change. So now the country is on the road to a long and painful process of change.

This has raised concerns amongst the expat community whether the locals would become more antagonistic in the future. To be fair, Munich has definitely not given that impression to me. Maybe it isnt the case in other parts of Germany. Probably something to keep in the back of the mind.

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