Thursday, April 07, 2005

Joining the Times brigade

I have been observing from the sidelines the increasing number of critics for the Times of India and the amusing 'Slimes of India' name. But I used to have a little more respect for the Eco Times which at least until last year, I used to be a faithful reader. I guess the Times Group have tampered with ET also so much.

This report is a perfect example of how these guys will write anything to get people to click on them. Other than the first sentence, there is not a single statement in the report which has any sort of relevance to the title of the report.

If it were not for the real lousy interface of The Hindu, I would have been happily reading it.

Why cant we get a better alternative to the Slimes?

1 comment:

Kaps said...

For the readers of the print edition of ToI, they have alternatives like The Hindu and Hindustan Times depending on the city in which they live.

However for readers of ET, I don't think they have an alternative. The other newspapers are equally bad in content.